
Writing Platform

An all-in-one platform designed for content writing, review, localization, and publishing, streamlining your workflow.

Say goodbye to troublesome formatting and “copy & paste”

Our writing platform excels with content reuse, allowing quick drag-and-drop functionality to create new manuals. “Drag & Write” simplifies document creation without starting from scratch, while effortless formatting saves time. Enjoy single-source publishing for PDF, HTML5, and Word, giving you full control over document output.

Our approach

Insight. Creativity. Technology.

Goodbye, Word. Hello, DITA-based writing platform

Content Reuse

Drag and drop, quickly reuse content to create a new manual.

Drag & Write

No need to write documents from scratch. Click and compare, document writing can never be so easy!

Effortless Formatting

Say no to time-consuming formatting.
Single source publishing for PDF, HTML5, and Word. Your document, your choice.

Ready to Take Your Business to the next Level?

We are more than a localization company. In the dynamically changing business environment, we help our clients go global and seek more opportunities.

Let’s talk

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